COVID-19 Policy
Strybos Barron King Ltd. COVID–19 Policy
As always, Strybos Barron King Ltd.’s primary concern is the health and safety of our employees and all of their families, our clients, suppliers and the community.
We must do what we can to ensure that no one is placed in a situation that increases the chance of contracting or spreading COVID-19, while recognizing the Province’s desire to have business owners continue their business operations through work from home and other models.
We continue to provide all services by working remotely, using all available technologies. Our physical offices are closed, but you can reach your regular point of contact through either individual cell phone number or email. We will respond promptly and efficiently.
If you are experiencing difficulty in accessing the person that you are looking for, please email Bryn Barron or Alistair Johnston.
Please be assured that we are in a position to provide the quality services our clients have come to expect from us.
Office Meetings
During this time, our staff will not be attending any in-person meetings, as recommended by public health and the Province. We are ready and available to attend virtual meetings by way of teleconferencing and web-based communication such as Zoom, Teams, WebEx and GoToMeeting.
Site Meetings and Field Review
Although our first response is to address construction review requirements through use of phone, email and site photographs, our staff is available for attendance on site for construction review of on-going projects deemed essential by the Province.
If in-person meetings are required on site, our staff will strictly recognize the physical distancing measures recommended by public health and required by the Province. These meetings will occur outdoors only. At this time, our staff will not attend indoor meetings, such as within construction trailers or enclosed building spaces.
Field review for Arborist Services will continue, exercising the safety measures previously described. Strybos Barron King Ltd. remains committed to assist our clients in an effort to maintain project submission and construction schedules.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time and wish everyone good health.
The SBK Team.